Latest News
REPORT FROM THE SOUTHERN ZONE: OLA provides water and medical care to the residents of Gumi Eldal...
ONM NEWS: Militants From Amhara State Loot and Burn Village in Metekel
Amhara State Forces Continue Committing Heinous Atrocities in Metekel
Humnootni Amaaraa Dubartii Oromoo Ulfa Morma Kutanii Ajjeesani fi Barattoota Oromoo 18 Ukkaamsan ...
በኦሮሞ ነፃነት ሠራዊት ላይ የሚደረጉ የሥም ማጥፋት ዘመቻዎችን በተመለከተ
Regarding Continued Accusations of Atrocities Against the OLA
OLA Update #21 / 25th February, 2022
OLA Update #20 / 6th February, 2022
የኢትዮጵያ ሰብአዊ መብት ኮሚሽን የከረዩ የገዳ አባቶች እልቂትን አስመልክቶ ባወጣው ዘገባ ላይ:
Ethiopian Human Rights Commission’s report concerning the Karrayyu Massacre
The Net Result of Abiy’s ‘National Dialogue’ Prolongs the Ethiopian Civil War Rather Than End It!
Eritrean Troops Redeployed Into Oromia (Press Release)
Report from the Central Zone: January 2021 trainee graduation
Report from Begi: OLA Day celebrated on January 1st (VIDEO)
OLA Update #19 / 7th January, 2022
Dhaamsa Bara Haaraa fi Amajjii 1 Guyyaa WBO Ajajaa Ol'aanaa ABO-WBO
Shororkeessummaa, Shiraa fi Fakkeessiin Furmaata Nagaa fi Tasgabbii Ta’ee Hin Beeku! (Press Release)
Sustainable Peace can never be achieved through Terrorism and Misinformation! (Press Release)
OLA Update #18 / 24th December, 2021
Report from Qondala district (VIDEO)