July 1st, 2021
Dabo district, Bunno Bedele - Units of the Ethiopian military attempting to enter the Adda Bole area were stopped by the Cibra Shanan Gibe brigade resulting in 11 enemy combatants killed and an unspecified number injured.
Begi district, West Walaga*
Abe Dongoro district, Horo Guduru*
July 2nd, 2021
Ganji district, West Walaga - Units of the Ethiopian military attempting to enter the Lalisa Birbir area were stopped resulting in 7 enemy combatants killed and an unspecified number injured.
Guma Gara Arba, Qondala district, West Walaga*
* NOTE: The Oromo Liberation Army has launched cleanup operations against the remnants of Ethiopian military presence in western Oromia. The operations are ongoing and have thus far resulted in a large number of enemy combatants being killed and injured. More details will follow.