March 7th, 2022
Begi district, West Walaga - OLA forces took action against a regime military camp in the area resulting in 8 enemy combatants being killed.
March 8th, 2022
Hawa Galan district, Qellem Walaga - OLA forces stopped a regime military advance at Tulama Canqo. Several dozen enemy combatants were killed resulting in the complete withdrawal of regime military units in the area.
March 6th, 2022
Ambo district, West Shawa - The OLA's Jagama Badhane brigade took action against a regime military patrol in Quliti resulting in 4 enemy combatants being killed.
Jaldu district, West Shawa - OLA forces entered the town of Shukute and took action against the regime military units encamped at the town's elementary school. 8 enemy combatants were killed and 5 were injured.
Gindabarat district, West Shawa - OLA forces took action against a contigent of Republican Guard commandos near Danisa town resulting in over 100 enemy combatants being killed including 3 high-ranking security officials.
March 8th, 2022
Ambo district, West Shawa - The OLA's Jagama Badhane brigade took action against a regime military unit that had looted livestock from the local community in Tule. The engagement resulted in 9 enemy combatants being killed and the return of all stolen livestock to their owners.
March 10th, 2022
Ambo district, West Shawa - The OLA's Jagama Badhane brigade took action on a regime military convoy travelling from Finfinee to Ambo. 3 enemy combatants were killed and 1 vehicle was captured.
March 12th, 2022
Ambo district, West Shawa - The OLA's Jagama Badhane brigade engaged with regime forces in Galan Wadessa, Diki, and Haru Ciro. Over 85 enemy combatants were killed and 19 were captured. A large number of AK rifles, RPGs, Bren LMGs, and snipers were also captured.
Captured weapons and enemy combatants in Ambo.
March 13th, 2022
Jaldu district, West Shawa - OLA forces took action against regime military units near Jaldu town in a place called Qoricha Dhereti resulting in 30 enemy combatants being killed and 7 being captured. Several weapons were also captured.
Weapons captured in Jaldu
Weapons captured in Jaldu
March 13th, 2022
Jaldu district, West Shawa - OLA forces took action against Republican Guard commandos operating in Abba Jote forest resulting in 8 enemy combatants being killed.
March 8th, 2022
Goro Adola district, Guji - OLA forces destroyed 4 vehicles carrying enemy combatants to Biqa Fora. OLA forces then took action against another convoy bringing reinforcements to the area resulting in 11 enemy combatants being killed.